Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Unpredictable...

Vision without action is just a dream.
Action without vision merely wastes time. 
Vision coupled with action can make things happen.

  After watching the video in class I understand why certain people will do better than others, why some have more dedications and commitments than others. It has a lot to do with their family background where they came from, conditions that they were in. These people that were in bad condition would try their hardest to improve their living conditions. 
   I kind of realized that already, a friend of mine was really smart however the family didn't have enough money to support her to go to college and for whatever reason she couldn't apply for government aid, and when she decided to work in a restaurant the next day she won the pick five it was not a lot but it was good enough to send herself to college.  I feel like people that win the lottery because they deserve to. Some people might be more fortune than others however I strongly believe people get out whatever among of effort they put in.  
     After Baruch, I will continue pushing myself to learn, hopefully MBA in NYU, then work enough to open up my own business. I feel like everyone is trading their time for money, and i don't want to do that in long term, I would like to use other peoples time and trade for my money. I have a lot of plans and dreams. However I haven't taken any actions towards my plans, so I guess these few lines inspire me more than the whole movie. 


  1. Hi,
    I agree that the last words in the movie were the most important and inspire anyone to establish goals with actions. I hope you decide what to do with your live. It is always good to have plans and be guide by them. Good luck.

  2. Sandra

    I agree with you when you say that people who have nothing do better then those who have something. Have you nottic ethat almost evry successfull person you know or heard of had almost nothing few years ago?! i think it is because when you are at the bottom you have nowhere to go to but up. and that is the secret to success... think like you have nothing and you'll get somewhere.

  3. I agree to what sufa said. I feel you are much more appreciative, determined, etc.. when you start out with nothing and when you accomplish things on your own. I myself am also looking to fulfill my masters at NYU. good luck to you!

  4. In regards to what you told me about trying, there is an expression that comes to mind that keeps me going. "If you aim for stars and fail, at least you will land in the clouds." All you have to do is try and give it 100% of your effort, because the only thing worse then failing is never trying. Pertaining to what you said above about some people being born in different lives there is another expression that comes to mind. "Some of us are born with the 64 crayon set, some of us with the 16 crayon set, and some with the 8 crayon set. In reality, it doesn't matter who is born with how many crayons, its the picture that they end up drawing with what they have that matters most." In the end, life is what you make of it. Great job, keep it up.

  5. I totally agreee with Edmond on his percertive of life, life is what you make it does'nt matter where you came from, just make the most of what you have. Tying in Sufa's point that most people who become exceptionally successful are the ones who did not have anything, whatever is the attribute for that whether it be they are more driven because they are at the buttom and there is nowhere else to go but the top, or they've seen the worst and knows what it is like not to have a meal or somewhere to rest their head at night. It all boils down to that with a vision and a goal in mind anything is possible.

  6. It sounds like you definatelly have a direction to move towards. As long as you have your vision, you can create smaller targets that will contribute to achieving the largest one. Good luck
