Friday, October 22, 2010

Group Planning!!

        Another fun class activity we experience in Management was trying to come up with something that everyone has to agree on to help boost on first exam grade. Since majority of the class did poorly, "worst class average" according to Mr.Professor. Everyone went crazy throwing their own ideas out, it was an amazing time watch people panic. No I am not evil.
         We had half an hr to come up with something to agree on. Someone in the room first came out and try to lead the class, I think he did a pretty good job if he wasnt so kind, he shall have told some people to shut up some to sit down some to calm down, to regulate. However I notice that he feels everyone has a equal chance to speak but as a leader for the class please generate all the ideas in your head and come up with one that benefits the class the most.
          I tried to go up but didn't see a point because it was already chaotic also we were at the level of persuading some of the classmates to vote yes, however i came up with something different after I generate all the ideas thats out there in my head. I believe the professor wants us to learn not to be a **** about our grades. So why not fix our mistakes and get half what what you get wrong??? I believe this is the best idea to benefit the whole class. However when this was brought up to professor already turned it down.
          Nevertheless it was another fun time that you won't see anyone be sleeping in class.


  1. Peter,
    I agree with the chaos, and that the leader should have been a lot sterner with his leadership. It looks like you took more of the Avoidance approach of the decision making process, which a lot of people did as well. Your idea for doing test corrections probably would have gone well with the class. So next time we have a group discussion like this and you have a chance to talk, don't be hesitant. Great blog, good luck with the extra credit!!!!

  2. Peter i thought that the student who went to the front of the class had little power and we the students had more power than him this is why he could not have made decisions for us to just go along with him, he was more of a facilitator, listing the proposals on the board repeating the ideas of students trying to control the cofusion in the class but as making the decision for us this was not going to happen in this scenario. I agree with the previous comment which stated that u took on the avoidance role and kept your idea to yourself for whatever physcological reason, we could have all benefitted if you had voiced your opinion.
