Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We did a test in class today, and this test is suppose to determine what type of personality we have. I was detected with "DI", Dominant Influence. I think this truly describe who I am because I am a person always want to lead and always want to lead and get ahead of others. I think the professor did a very good job by explaining how certain type acts certain way, such as how "DI" type would go though and flip through all pages before instructions. This not only let us better understand our own behaviors but also know how experience Professor Kurpis is.

Even so, I still don't think this test is good enough to determine peoples' employment. I personality think there are more than one type that fits who I am. So if our employment depends on this simple test I don't think is fair. This test could be the first part of the interview and for the second part have them solve conditional problems with these traits like how we do it in class.  By the way another fun class, wonder whats next.

1 comment:

  1. I agree 100% that this test does not fully explain a person's personality. A persons personality could vary depending on the situation that they are in. Some could lead in one, but sit back and be steady in another. I believe I would also be a DI, and I think that it is a great trait to have as a manager and leader of our society; but I do not believe that, that is all you need to be. Everyone needs to be well rounded and needs to be able to adapt to different situations and handle each one in the best way, taking on whatever characteristic they fell necessary.
