Tuesday, October 5, 2010


          Planning is actually harder than what you expected. I always thought I always have full control of all situaitions that occur my life. Except this activity we did in class proved me wrong.
          We were told to create a egg protection plan in a group if your group successfully dropped an egg ten feet from the group without break the egg. Your group will get TEN EATRA points on the first test. Everyone was so excited and maybe because of the high incentive everyone went insane. It was hard to organize the people we have in our group. It was hard to identify the group leader at first until about 10 minutes into the project the group kind of have an idea who is asset to the group and who is just sitting there.
          We first assigned someone drawing the pictures and doing all the paper work thats was told, then as a group we generated ideas and filters ideas but it was hard because everyone had different opinions and we really didn't hvae enough to explain or to persuade them why their ideas didn't work. It was mean to say i guess thats what the realaty is "No! Next."
           When time is up for planning we didn't know excatly know the role of each individul so i handed all the straws to the only females in the group, knowing female have better hand skills maybe because their hards are smaller. Then i know i shouldn't be touching the tape because my heads sweat. And we have someone to hold onto the egg. The main purpose have that person to hold the egg was to have him shushh but still feel important, movtivating each other was very important at times.
            However i realized it was way too many hands interracting. So we had one manage the all whole structure while one voice tell him what to do. At the end we failed, but it was funny seeing all the groups cheering and laughing at the groups that failed, great class experience.


  1. I think it was great that you tried to incorporate everyone into the project, but as you said sometimes that doesnt always work either. you found that it was difficult having so many hands working and everything was a little disorganized because of that. But I do find it very interesting that you were doing your own planning as well in terms of realizing you shouldn't handle the tape because your hands sweat and that your groups females might be better at the hand crafting. i agree that it was a great class experience!

  2. Yes!! Having the incentive of the ten extra points on the exam made everyone excited and some too excited that they would not pay attention to all of the requirements. Also I like the way you thought of making the female handle the straws because females hands are smaller than males. This show that you were thinking and educational thinking is important in the planning process.
