Wednesday, December 8, 2010


           I think is good to have a blog, first we can really learn about each other, and especailly if you seeing someone in the class definetly creates opportunity, a good opportunity to learn about one another. I used to keep up with my jornals at night, but don't know what happened one day I just lost motivation.
           With pressure of affecting grade and knowing everyone doing the work I seem to write the blog and keep up. I also think is good idea for those who doesn't normally come to class. Because what if you don't have any friends in the class and you have to write something related to the class activity you would be stuck. So by making us write blog not just motivate students to come to class but also students that attend to class benefits from the activity.
            The only thing I don't like about writing blog is, I don't know what others do but I have to log on to blackboard. Then get the excel sheet which has all the links for our classmates and then click to every single one to comment, because you can't click next blog to go to our classmate's blog. It directs me to other random peoples I don't know if I am doing this wrong or others are experiencing the same issue but the something that I dont like doing not commenting but finding people to comment.


  1. This blog definitely gave us reason to listen more and think how you can put this to your blog or just using it in every day practice. Don't worry about the technical difficulties its part of the fun.

  2. How I did the commenting, was from the excel file I opened up like 10 random links. Then out of those 10, a couple didnt do the assignment, and then a couple did but I did not think of a comment, and then I was left with 3.

    Another point you bring up which I didnt even think of, was the fact that the blog was a great motivation to come to every class. If you missed the egg class, you were not able to do one of the blogs.

  3. You knew you can't just bull**** your blogs so it forced you to pay attention to keep up with this assignment. As the case was with some class activities, if you missed it, you would have had hard time to write a blog and answer questions on the test. It all made sense.

    Once I was at my Blog and went thru the comments then I simply clicked on the names of others, which took me to random blogs and that is how I left my comments.
