Monday, December 13, 2010

How to be a manager!!

What makes a good manager
Qualities within you and me
Being flexible to situations is major
Lacking that it is hard to be

Management is about communication
Stubborn is not the way
Be open minded in every situation
since you'll be stressed throughout the day

Learn to distribute tasks equally
work needs to be done by deadlines
A good manager needs to perform well rounded
follow these standards and you'll be ready.

Love is all we need,
Faith is what set us free!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010


           I think is good to have a blog, first we can really learn about each other, and especailly if you seeing someone in the class definetly creates opportunity, a good opportunity to learn about one another. I used to keep up with my jornals at night, but don't know what happened one day I just lost motivation.
           With pressure of affecting grade and knowing everyone doing the work I seem to write the blog and keep up. I also think is good idea for those who doesn't normally come to class. Because what if you don't have any friends in the class and you have to write something related to the class activity you would be stuck. So by making us write blog not just motivate students to come to class but also students that attend to class benefits from the activity.
            The only thing I don't like about writing blog is, I don't know what others do but I have to log on to blackboard. Then get the excel sheet which has all the links for our classmates and then click to every single one to comment, because you can't click next blog to go to our classmate's blog. It directs me to other random peoples I don't know if I am doing this wrong or others are experiencing the same issue but the something that I dont like doing not commenting but finding people to comment.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The 2010 Walmartians

Think we can get her for indecent exposure?
Go icyGo icy....sooooGangsta!
Stomach suddenly turning ??...reach for Prevacid
At his age, you just don't give a F*ck anymore..let it all hang out!
Pimp Daddy guards his main ho...
Glad the young 'un got him a good edumacashun!
Rock on lil' Dude!
clean-up in Isle 4 please?
How to age with class.

Butt butt oh, never mind!

Damn......Barbie got old!
OK, so you were an underwear model, but that was 40 years ago!
Why sweat up your good t-shirt just for a Walmart visit?
Took the words right outta my mouth!
I'm speechless!
Can you tie em in a knot ?
Kardashian's check out the new fall fashions!
Should someone tell her? Hmmm, I think she already knows.

This will make you laugh....if you are ill ...this will cure you...if you do this then you are ill...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


We did a test in class today, and this test is suppose to determine what type of personality we have. I was detected with "DI", Dominant Influence. I think this truly describe who I am because I am a person always want to lead and always want to lead and get ahead of others. I think the professor did a very good job by explaining how certain type acts certain way, such as how "DI" type would go though and flip through all pages before instructions. This not only let us better understand our own behaviors but also know how experience Professor Kurpis is.

Even so, I still don't think this test is good enough to determine peoples' employment. I personality think there are more than one type that fits who I am. So if our employment depends on this simple test I don't think is fair. This test could be the first part of the interview and for the second part have them solve conditional problems with these traits like how we do it in class.  By the way another fun class, wonder whats next.

Monday, November 15, 2010

McDonald's Special Service Experience

Usually, when an individual enters McDonalds, he or she looks at the menu, places an order, and then waits for the food to be served.  When the words “I have a special order” came out of my mouth, the cashier serving me had a change in expression.  She was a somewhat elderly woman who was in her 50’s.  Once I placed the first order, which was the hamburger with five pickles, she denied my request.  She said it was impossible to print this on the receipt, and that this would be impossible in all McDonalds.  Though her answer seemed reliable, I knew that I had to check with the manager, because the manager knows the most about the cashiers, and how everything in the store should be run.  I requested that I spoke to the manager, and thus restarted my order.
            Once the manager came, I stated that I wanted a special sandwich.  She responded that she was ready for my order, so I made the hamburger order with five pickles.  When she said it was impossible to print a receipt that stated 5 pickles, I thought that this would be the end of the journey.  She then responded that there was another approach to this.  There was a button that said “Add 1 pickle” and she said that she could press this five times, thus revealing that the sandwich had five pickles.  I went on to the fries.  Again, the manager provided an alternate solution to my request, and stated that the best she could do was to print “sauce”, instead of Big Mac sauce, because that was the only sauce button available.  The “well” option for the fries was possible, so that portion was complete.  During all of this, the manager was very patient with me, and made sure my request was completed.  The original cashier moved on to another cashier, and filled in other people’s orders.  Finally, after waiting a bit, the food was brought to me.  I checked the sandwich and fries, and all of the items that I requested was there.
            For the organization portion of the management process, I would say that this particular McDonalds was set up to handle this situation.  The manager was needed in order for this special request to be fulfilled, but it didn’t take long for her to appear, and to complete my request.  This shows how the manager is on point, and ready to take orders, or handle any situations that a regular employee could not handle.  If there were two or more people with special requests, however, this McDonald would start to face an obstacle.  Only the manager was able to fulfill this request.  I placed this order at 11:23 PM, and only one manager was on duty, so this would hold up the store’s business.  To better accommodate orders like these, this McDonalds should have more trained employees ready to respond to such a request.
            For the communications portion, I again believe communications was effective.  The manager was called out quickly, and she appeared within a few minutes.  Once she appeared, her attitude was very positive and encouraging, showing how she respects the customers and makes sure the customer is satisfied.  When I had a request, and it wasn’t possible, she made sure that there was an alternate solution to what I wanted, so that everything would be achieved.  I did take somewhat of a long time to order everything, but since there were two lines, and it wasn’t too late, I didn’t hinder business for that McDonalds.  For more improvements, the employee should respond more quickly, instead of trying to complete the task herself.  If she knew that it was impossible, she should move on and ask the manager.
            For the training aspect of the management process, the employees were not properly trained in all aspects.  One region where the employee was weak was the serving part.  The manager pressed a few buttons, and knew where each of the special things were.  The employee was not aware that such buttons were even available.  The next part is that if the employee knows that the order that is being made is impossible for her to make, she should quickly contact the manager, and make sure the order is completed so more people can be fulfilled.  The third aspect where the employee should improve is the attitude towards the customer.  For this employee, a sign of daze shows no confidence in the field she’s in, and that she is not professional enough to complete such a task.
            For the leadership process, the manager obviously showed leadership, which is what the manager should do.  She took control of the situation, and eventually helped me complete my task.  She redirected other employees to other stations, making sure that other customers are satisfied.  Leadership is necessary to work in McDonalds, because when one employee is struggling with an order, or with a customer, another should take charge, solve the problem, and move on in order to control the flow of business.  A tip for the manager of this McDonalds is to direct people.  For example, the lady serving me should instead be completing the tasks, such as making a smoothie, or packing each order, instead of taking orders.  Also, the manager should make sure the cashiers are ready and able to use the register to the full potential, incase more of these special orders are made.
            Overall, I was surprised that this order was actually completed, even though it was not exactly how it should be.  The manager, who at first seemed like she was annoyed with her job, actually did her job, which was customer satisfaction.  She made sure that my order would be completed.  She did laugh when I made this order, but this did not interfere with her completing her job.  I would rate this McDonalds a good one to visit, especially if you want something special, because the manager is able to complete what you want.  I do caution that only this specific manager probably is able to do this, and that her shifts are late at night, so you may not get your order completely.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Unpredictable...

Vision without action is just a dream.
Action without vision merely wastes time. 
Vision coupled with action can make things happen.

  After watching the video in class I understand why certain people will do better than others, why some have more dedications and commitments than others. It has a lot to do with their family background where they came from, conditions that they were in. These people that were in bad condition would try their hardest to improve their living conditions. 
   I kind of realized that already, a friend of mine was really smart however the family didn't have enough money to support her to go to college and for whatever reason she couldn't apply for government aid, and when she decided to work in a restaurant the next day she won the pick five it was not a lot but it was good enough to send herself to college.  I feel like people that win the lottery because they deserve to. Some people might be more fortune than others however I strongly believe people get out whatever among of effort they put in.  
     After Baruch, I will continue pushing myself to learn, hopefully MBA in NYU, then work enough to open up my own business. I feel like everyone is trading their time for money, and i don't want to do that in long term, I would like to use other peoples time and trade for my money. I have a lot of plans and dreams. However I haven't taken any actions towards my plans, so I guess these few lines inspire me more than the whole movie. 

Friday, October 22, 2010

Group Planning!!

        Another fun class activity we experience in Management was trying to come up with something that everyone has to agree on to help boost on first exam grade. Since majority of the class did poorly, "worst class average" according to Mr.Professor. Everyone went crazy throwing their own ideas out, it was an amazing time watch people panic. No I am not evil.
         We had half an hr to come up with something to agree on. Someone in the room first came out and try to lead the class, I think he did a pretty good job if he wasnt so kind, he shall have told some people to shut up some to sit down some to calm down, to regulate. However I notice that he feels everyone has a equal chance to speak but as a leader for the class please generate all the ideas in your head and come up with one that benefits the class the most.
          I tried to go up but didn't see a point because it was already chaotic also we were at the level of persuading some of the classmates to vote yes, however i came up with something different after I generate all the ideas thats out there in my head. I believe the professor wants us to learn not to be a **** about our grades. So why not fix our mistakes and get half what what you get wrong??? I believe this is the best idea to benefit the whole class. However when this was brought up to professor already turned it down.
          Nevertheless it was another fun time that you won't see anyone be sleeping in class.