Monday, September 27, 2010


             I actually love being an american which wasnt born in America. I get to learned both cultures. I moved to this country when I was Eleven years old. Coming from a different countries everything was brand new to me. Trying to fit in was diffinetely hard.
             Lets put language barrier aside because thats the obvious. People looked at you differently because you dressed differently, your hair style is different, the way you  move is different, the noise you make is different. I had trouble finding a word to describe all these differences until i learn thats whats in me but had never identified them. These are my true identity my culture. I later notice in my identity is changing because of my surroundings. I learn to give up seat on the train, not to rush to hop on a train fighting for a seat. Sometimes it gets me mad seeing the people with the same backgroud rushing and fighting for seats on the train, but I have no right to hate those are my own kind instead I walk away with a smile and say maybe thats just part of my culture too.  

Sunday, September 12, 2010


       I liked how the professor ask us why do you take management on the first day of class. My answer to the question was "I have a lot stress and lots going on in my life, it is hard to manage everything together so I wonder if taking management would help me organize my life." but I know for a fact the book does not teach you any of these skills.
       To me management is something that you pick up, and apply it with your own knowledge and judgment. Every situation is new and there is no two days are the same, you have to be a leader in order to manage and guide.